Meet the cannabinoid that’s been called diet weed, THCV or tetrahydrocannabivarin. Thanks to THCV reviews showing it has a potential high that is much milder than delta-9 THC and the ability to suppress appetite, we may be able to finally remove the snack-craving stoner stigma.
The THCV Effects Resumed
Appetite Suppressor
THCV is a known appetite suppressor which is likely due to its ability to block the activation of CB1 receptors (the opposite of what delta-9 THC does). Who thought weed could help you lose weight?!
Energy Booster
Love the energy caffeine gives you, but hate the jitters? Then THCV might have just become part of your morning routine. Maybe you’re feeling low energy due to calorie restrictions? If so, you’ll be delighted to hear that multiple studies have found that THCV can boost energy.
Abioye et al. (2020) noted that in studies performed on rodents, THCV decreased hunger, increased the feeling of feeling full, and amplified the generation of energy from nutrients, concluding that THCV was a helpful remedy for weight loss.
Diabetes Management
Along with finding that THCV can boost energy, Abioye et al. (2020) — which provides commentary on THCV findings in numerous studies — found that this molecule had lower the fasting glucose and improved the β-cell function, as well as adiponectin and Apo A concentrations in patients suffering from type 2 diabetes. This can additionally help reduce glucose intolerance which is commonly seen in overweight individuals.
Scientific Insights and Research About THCV
Research on THCV and its ability to suppress appetite, boost energy, and manage diabetes goes back to the aughts (2000s) — however, THCV was first detected in cannabis by Gill et al. (1970).
A 2009 study on mice found that THCV may reduce food intake, resulting in weight loss due to it behaving like a CB1 antagonist. In 2015, a human study was performed, which found for the first time that THCV could be useful for treating obesity while lowering the risk of depressive side effects in humans.
In regards to THCV safety, we have a very recent study we can look at. In a 2023 two-phase study, the authors noted: “that all studied doses of THCV exhibited a favorable safety profile”. 12.5, 25, and 200 mg doses of THCV were compared to a placebo for this study.
Unlike other THC analogs such as delta-8, THCV does not typically require manufacturing processes to convert other cannabinoids into it. There are a few select central Asian and southern African strains that are naturally high in THCV. So, while more research on THCV’s benefits, effects, and safety can’t come soon enough, we can eliminate the concerns associated with semi-synthetic cannabinoids.
User Experiences and THCV Reviews
It’s common for us to include user experiences in our articles due to the lack of research on novel cannabinoids like HHC, and it’s no different here. We do advise caution when reading user experiences, as there are countless variables that can influence what they experience with THCV.
One of those variables is the dosage because while low doses of THCV may only result in a very mild high by acting as an antagonist at CB1 receptors, a larger dosage may result in a high that closely mirrors delta-9. This is one of the reasons we need more studies!
Due to THCV’s biphasic effects, while some users reported it was great at suppressing their appetite, others reported it gave them the classic marijuana munchies. Many report the high largely stays in the head and doesn’t weigh the body down. Based on my experience and research, when ranked from mildest to most potent, the order goes CBD, THCV (low doses), HHC (HHC-9S), delta-8 THC, HHC (HHC-9R), THCV (high doses), delta-9 THC, THCP, and THCO.
It’s important to note with these user reviews that in many of the reports, THCV wasn’t consumed alone, with many noting that the amount of delta-9 can negate THCV’s effects. This issue was noted as a concern in Riedel et al. (2009). So, while we couldn’t find any real negative reports about THCV, how satisfied users were greatly ranged from ‘meh’ to ‘awesome’.

Conclusion: Is THCV Worth to Try?
If you’re interested in trying cannabinoids besides delta-9 and CBD, THCV is a great place to start. In low dosages, the high should be minimal at best, with many saying it’s great for getting stuff done. Another reason we like this cannabinoid is due to its ability to be naturally derived from cannabis plants, which eliminates our concerns with semi-synthetic cannabinoids and the processes used to create them.
We encourage you to consult a healthcare professional if you have concerns about THCV. Regardless, please start with low dosages for the first few weeks, especially due to THCV’s potential biphasic effects. Speaking of dosages, please do not make changes in your dosages with THCV if you cannot afford a high that closely resembles delta-9 THC’s in strength.