Can CBD Cause Constipation? All About Digestive Health

Can consuming CBD possibly be a source of constipation for you? Let’s see what research has to say regarding this.

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Can CBD Cause Constipation? All About Digestive Health

We all know about the countless benefits and limitless potential of a useful supplement called cannabidiol. However, is it really as good as everyone tells it to be? There have been a few reports that CBD causes constipation. Now, this might be concerning for people dealing with digestive issues so we decided to bring forth the truth to you. 

How CBD Interacts with the Digestive System

It has been established that CBD helps the endocannabinoid system (ECS) to achieve all the known unique benefits and advantages that it delivers. On top of this, benefits associated with CBD and digestive and gut health could point towards the potential to see side effects or adverse effects of this pathway as well.

To discover what interaction occurs with the endocannabinoid system (ECS) when the patient consumes CBD, you first need to understand that the endocannabinoid system (ECS) is not confined to the brain, but it can cover the overall body as well. 

The CB1 receptors of the ECS interact with the brain and the nervous system, thus individuals can experience relief from anxiety, depression, or pain for instance. Contrarily, the CB2 receptors interact with the immune system and the gastrointestinal tract.

However, there are several points throughout the gut where the CB1 and CB2 receptors are seen in a focused activity. By the effect of their presence, they strive to adjust functions of the nervous system like digestion, intestinal movement, appetite regulation, and gut function.

Therefore, CBD has a strong impact on the gastrointestinal tract. Whether it is useful or not depends upon how the person consumes CBD and its products. 

Potential Causes of Constipation

Constipation is one of the most common problems that people face in their daily lives. This problem has the potential to make you feel extreme levels of discomfort. Some of the potential causes of constipation are given below: 

Low Fiber Intake

The fiber-deprived food intake is one of the key factors for constipation. Lack of fiber may cause your stools to be extremely hard and pass through the rectum with difficulty.


Varying volumes of the daily fluid intake will allow you to stay hydrated and prevent dehydration, which comes with the side effect of making your stool hard and unable to be passed easily. A bowel movement must be in good condition and well-fuelled.

Lack of Physical Activity

The energy-expending process activates intestinal peristalsis which is one of the impediments to motility of the bowels. This can also be caused by being stationary or not being physically active enough.


Because of the specific medication, some people feel constipated. These can be analgesic opioid medicines, anti-acid drugs like alumina or calcium-containing, some antidepressants, anticonvulsants, and certain antiparkinsonian drugs.

CBD Products and Digestive Side Effects

Overall, CBD products have been deemed safe for usage by people of all adult ages. However, it is always recommended that they use these products in a limited quantity so that people can avoid getting any side effects from them.

In terms of digestive health, here are a few CBD side effects that people might experience through the usage of these products: 


For instance, a few users of CBD may complain of nausea after the oral consumption of this product. This phenomenon often goes unnoticed and lasts for a short period. It is, however, only observed in the case of high doses of CBD.


While Gastrointestinal upset is one of the rarer side effects, it also is an adverse reaction to CBD. Some individuals may experience changes in bowel movements at the beginning of their CBD usage or in case they use medicines with higher dosages.

Changes in Appetite

Although CBD can be one of the ways of appetite control, some people may demonstrate a change in appetite as a consequence of CBD use. For some, this may be characterized by an uptick or a downturn of the appetite.

Managing Digestive Health While Using CBD

Using CBD or its products is no rocket science. If you’re new to the CBD world, start with a low dose until you are sure about its tolerance in your body. Once you know what dose can relieve your problem, you can gradually increase the dose. This could help to lessen the chance of coming across any digestive symptoms.

In addition to that, ensure that you select only CBD products that are made by licensed manufacturers who obtain high-quality ingredients and certification from independent testing and packaging. Choose a product that does not contain yet additives or any possible allergens. Health is above all, right?

On top of that, it is advisable to keep an eye open on what your body does when you use CBD and the symptoms of any digestion you might encounter. Stay aware of your dosage amount, how often you take it, and whether you notice any differences in your bowel movements or any change in stomach uneasiness.


Although CBD is a well-tolerated product by most people, you have to keep in mind possible digestive side effects and try to reduce them through the use of products that assist maintenance of gastrointestinal health.

First of all, a low dose is a key point. The next step is to make sure that CBD products of high quality are chosen. Finally, one more important step to protect your body from digestive issues induced by CBD is to pay attention to your reactions to these products.

Besides these recommendations, individuals should practice a healthy diet, drink enough water, and exercise regularly as well. This boosts their metabolism and ensures that they do not suffer from any additional side effects.

Andleeb Asghar - Pharmacist

Andleeb Asghar - Pharmacist

Andleeb Asghar holds a “Pharm-D” degree from Lahore College for Women University, Lahore. She is an official Registered Pharmacist (RPh) in Punjab, Pakistan. She has also got a “Master of Philosophy” degree from the University of Animal and Veterinary Sciences, Lahore. Andleeb has worked in various practice settings as a clinical Pharmacist and has a wide range of experience. She has been cited in Healthline and Telehealth for her expertise. She has also served as a distinguished guest speaker at various local hospitals and high-profile organizations. She has been writing Cannabinoid & Marijuana related content for the past five years for different reputable companies. She is passionate about serving others by crafting information and helpful pieces for her readers.

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