CBG Effects: How Does Cannabigerol Make You Feel?

CBG also known as Cannabigerol is a precursor of the cannabinoids which offers promising effects such as: calmness, focus, and energy that users often report.

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CBG effects how does it make you feel

CBG (cannabigerol) is generating a lot of buzz lately thanks to the way it interacts with various receptors. And that has many wondering how CBG makes you feel? A non-psychoactive cannabinoid whose potency appears to sit somewhere between CBD and THC, nearly every cannabinoid starts off as CBG before converting to another.

Understanding the CBG Experience

CBG’s effects can vary quite a bit, but in general, its effects are described as calming while helping the mind focus and the body feel more energetic. You may feel more productive, sharp, and motivated when taking CBG.

As seen with other products containing cannabinoids, the effects seen with CBG products will vary depending on the presence of other cannabinoids, which bring along their own effects while modulating the effects of others.

Take CBG’s influence on THC, for example. By binding to CB1 receptors largely found in the brain and spinal cord, CBG can block THC from binding to CB1 receptors as aggressively. This helps prevent adverse effects such as paranoia while creating a more “balanced” high that avoids overwhelming the body.

Despite CBG’s affinity for CB1 receptors that, when activated too aggressively, produce a high sensation, CBG is non-psychotropic and will not cause a high, even in large doses.

CBG is not without its side effects, however. In fact, a survey of one hundred twenty-seven adults who’ve used a CBG-predominant product in the past found that a slim majority (56%) experienced side effects such as dry mouth. However, 73.9% said they preferred CBG to conventional medications used for chronic pain, depression, anxiety, and insomnia.

The Science Behind CBG’s Effects

Similar to other cannabinoids, CBG is both an agonist and antagonist to receptors found in and outside of the endocannabinoid system (ECS).

  • With its partial agonist effects on CB1 receptors, CBG may produce effects similar to THC, albeit more mild.
  • With its partial agonist effects on CB2 receptors, CBG may have a fairly strong influence on immune function and the peripheral nervous system.

Unlike other cannabinoids, CBG appears to have unique effects on 5-hydroxytryptamine (5-HT1A) receptors and α-2 adrenoceptors.

  • Antiemetic drugs, such as ondansetron, are 5-HT1A-R agonists prescribed for treating nausea and vomiting. CBG’s moderate activity at serotonin (5-HT) 1A receptors is likely one of the reasons some say CBG helps with gastrointestinal stress. CBD is also a 5-HT1A-R agonist, but seemingly less so.
  • It’s CBG’s strong affinity and activity at alpha-2 adrenergic receptors that’s perhaps the most interesting, and potentially alarming, thing about CBG. Activation of alpha-2 adrenergic receptors is associated with reducing anxiety, regulating blood pressure, and modulating pain perception, to name a few.

Additionally, CBG can increase GABA levels, helping with muscle relaxation, along with anandamide levels. Called the “bliss molecule”, anandamide is one of the two main endocannabinoids that are part of the ECS, and plays a role in several functions.

Personal Experiences with CBG

We believe strongly in bringing our readers cannabinoid science backed with strong evidence and meticulous research. However, especially with the lesser-known cannabinoids, there isn’t always the research we’d like to see. But people are using these cannabinoids regardless, so, at times, we need to look beyond the lab setting.

There are several factors that can affect the experience you might have with a CBG-based product. How it’s consumed, the dosage, and the presence of other cannabinoids will all greatly influence CBG’s effects.

By taking a look at several anecdotal experiences, we find that while CBG can produce side effects, most people find them mild and barely an annoyance. Many report that CBG provides a mental boost with enhanced clarity. Several reports frequently cited CBG helping greatly with anxiety and depression and that it was preferable to antidepressant and antianxiety medication. 

Despite, CBG’s classification as a non-intoxicating cannabinoid — unlike THC — many report CBG having a slight “psychoactive” effect. Some compare it to the awakening buzz caffeine produces, while others say they love it because it makes them more social. No one really described it as making them feel high.

What to Expect in Consuming CBG?

Due to limited research and various factors that can influence CBG’s effects and benefits, we can not say with 100% confidence what you will feel with CBG. However, there are several things you can expect.

Potential Benefits

In most reports, CBG is noted for its calming but awakening nature. This may result in you feeling more motivated after consuming CBG. And you may find it easier to be more sociable.

Potential Side Effects

While seemingly mild, you are more likely than not to experience some side effects at some point when using CBG. From most to least common, people have noted side effects such as dry mouth, sleepiness, increased appetite, and dry eyes.

Method of Consumption

As seen with other cannabinoid-based products, CBG products come in multiple forms, such as gummies or tinctures. If you have never used a cannabinoid product high in CBG, traditionally, the oil form is preferred. CBG oil can be sublingually held under the tongue to promote a fast onset of effects. As well, unlike edibles, it avoids one-size-fits-all dosages, allowing you to experiment with different dosages in very small increments.

Nicholas McKenzie - Cannabis Research Specialist

Nicholas McKenzie - Cannabis Research Specialist

Nicholas has spent the last ten years teaching gardeners, businesses, and enthusiasts how to succeed in the exciting and ever-changing world of cannabis. Whether he’s in the field getting his hands dirty or in the lab studying cannabinoids and their uses, Nicholas is passionate about bringing well-researched, factual, and concise information to an industry that very much needs it.

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