Maha Haq: The Trailblazing Maven of SoCal’s Cannabis Scene

Maha Haq, a 29-year-old activist, entrepreneur, and cannabis educator, has significantly impacted the Southern California cannabis community through her advocacy, educational initiatives, and founding of Cannaclub at UCLA, despite the industry's challenges.

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Maha Haq is a activist, entrepreneur, and cannabis educator
Image Credits: Maha Haq's Instagram Account (@highmaha)

For a decade, 29-year-old activist, entrepreneur, and cannabis educator Maha Haq has made waves for her groundbreaking work across the SoCal cannabis landscape. Beginning with her background in pharmacology, Haq draws from extensive study and research on the science behind medical cannabis to pave the way for a brighter future in what has become a precarious industry.

Discovering Her True Calling

Influenced by her name, meaning counselor or advisor, and her mother’s clinical research career parallel to her interest in marijuana use, Haq built an impressive path as an advocate and educator for the cannabis community. From high school dropout to obtaining a master’s degree from the University of Maryland School of Pharmacy, she remained driven to learn more about the potential benefits of this plant.

Balancing Societal Impact and Influencer Status

While she may flinch at being dubbed an “influencer,” there is no denying Haq’s significant impact on spreading knowledge and awareness, especially concerning her founding of Cannaclub at UCLA. Although not paid or sponsored by brands she mentions, Haq says it is essential to remain unbiased when building connections with various members of the Southern California cannabis scene.

Creating Connections: The Role of Cannaclub

With Cannaclub, Maha Haq found a supportive platform to pursue her passion for educating others on the scientific aspects of cannabis while simultaneously bridging gaps among the most influential players in this thriving sector.

  • She founded Cannaclub at UCLA in 2018, organizing the first-ever cannabis-focused student group on campus.
  • The club’s non-profit nature allows them to provide free community events, drawing people together to learn more about cannabis and network within the industry.
  • Haq hopes to have a booth at trade shows and other conferences, spreading information on Cannaclub initiatives and her research on cannabis advancements.

Rising Above a Rocky Industry

Although Haq’s accomplishments are examples of progress, the cannabis industry remains turbulent and mostly underground due to existing legal limitations. However, her tenacity and dedication ensure growth and prosperity despite an uncertain future.

Maha Haq: An Inspiration for Many

Beyond her educational pursuits, Haq hosts “Dabby Hour,” a Twitch channel recently celebrating its first anniversary. The livestream contains various cannabis-related content over four nights per week, quickly amassing more than 1,200 followers since its inception.

This budding entrepreneur is praised by fellow leading figures in the SoCal cannabis scene, such as artist Lisette Barajas (Mehndi420), who refers to Haq as a “plug” for her incredible ability to connect community members in meaningful ways.

Rita Ferreira

Rita Ferreira

Rita is a seasoned writer with over five years of experience, having worked with globally renowned platforms, including Forbes and Miister CBD. Her deep knowledge of hemp-related businesses and passion for delivering accurate and concise information distinguish her in the industry. Rita's contributions empower individuals and companies to navigate the complexities of the cannabis world, and her work remains a valuable resource for those seeking a deeper understanding of its potential.

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